The video is four, 5 second segments that are posted daily leading up to a montage Kairos had made. The brief we were presented for the audio was to have game sounds be muffled and become clearer as the headset turns on to go with the #SoundisSurvival.

The headset took some planning on my part before modelling it. I had to figure out what details in the product I was able to model into the geo, and what would have to be done via texture. For the ear cup I started with creating the shells basic shape, and then used that as a proxy to shrink-wrap to, so I could continue to add details but keep the overall roundness.

I UV mapped the ear cup and headband so I could go and add the little engraving details via texture, and the rgb ring to be able to be animated. I sketched the lines in substance painter so i could get them placed on the model in 3D space accurately, then brought those textures into Photoshop so i could then make the engravings clean and consistent in thickness.
Client: JBL
Modelling, Lighting & Shading: Evan Winters
Animation & Post: Simon Mäul
Audio: Clay Knapp